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Eidesvik and ShipFC Project: Green Innovation for Viking Energy


The ShipFC project has achieved a significant milestone with the Norwegian Maritime Authority confirming the feasibility of the ammonia fuel system design for the Eidesvik-owned platform supply vessel, Viking Energy.

The EU-funded ShipFC project aims to retrofit the Viking Energy with an ammonia fuel system and a 2MW solid oxide fuel cell system. This innovation will enable the vessel to sail long distances without emitting greenhouse gases, showcasing the potential for long-range, zero-carbon voyages with high power on larger ships.

“The Norwegian Maritime Authority has confidently issued a preliminary assessment to Eidesvik AS for their vessel Viking Energy. This is one of the few vessels that have progressed this far in the approval process with us. The Norwegian Maritime Authority hopes this project marks the beginning of the green transition within the offshore segment,” says Ivar Ingvaldsen of Norwegian Maritime Authority’s section of new maritime technology.

“This is a very important milestone, recognizing the significant work invested in the ShipFC project. It demonstrates that everything we have planned in this pioneering project is feasible from a regulatory perspective,” says Lars Vestbøstad, Technical Development Manager at Eidesvik AS.

The ShipFC project is a collaboration of 14 European companies and institutions, coordinated by the Norwegian organization Maritime CleanTech. The project receives support from the EU’s Research and Innovation Programme Horizon 2020 under its Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking.

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