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New shipping climate change strategy can put wind in UK’s sails

New shipping climate change strategy can put wind in UK’s sails

Ministers must move quickly to publish an updated Clean Maritime Plan (CMP) so the UK can cut shipping emissions in line with the Paris Agreement.

In a new article based on their research, Simon Bullock, Alice Larkin and James Mason from the Tyndall Centre at The University of Manchester warn that deep reductions in shipping emissions are required in this decade, and the current plan, released in 2019, “was strong on rhetorical ambition, but was comparatively light on supporting policy and targets, which were flagged as requiring development.”

They add: “The Government has suggested for some time that the CMP would be refreshed by the end of 2023, with the latest official update now stating that a new version will be published ‘as soon as possible.’ This CMP refresh is vital for the UK to drive down its shipping emissions.”

Alice Larkin

The academics highlight that the recently agreed International Maritime Organisation (IMO) strategy sets new ‘checkpoint’ and ‘strive’ targets for international shipping to cut its greenhouse gas emissions – their research compares these targets with the Paris agreement goal to limit global heating to 1.5°C.

They write: “Our latest research concludes that the ‘checkpoint’ targets are not sufficient, but, under generous assumptions, the ‘strive’ targets of 30% reductions by 2030 and 80% by 2040 are compatible with the 1.5°C limit. These strive targets should be considered a minimum level of ambition for the sector. There is also an urgency to implementing these targets: any further delay in cutting emissions would push compatibility with 1.5°C out of reach. Therefore, it is emissions cuts this decade that must be prioritised.”

James Mason

In their article published by Policy@Manchester, Bullock, Larkin and Mason identify five headline criteria on which a successful Government strategy for reducing UK shipping emissions should be based.

These include “ambition” with stronger domestic emission targets than the global average, “scope” which the academics recommend should incorporate reductions in the UK’s international shipping emissions, and “economic instruments” such as tax cuts for cleaner energy sources.

Also “shore power” to reduce maritime pollution by allowing ships to plug-in while at berth, and “wind propulsion” including priority funding and policy support for investment in wind propulsion technology systems which their research shows can cut emissions by around 20%.

Simon Bullock

The University of Manchester experts conclude: “Tackling climate change is desperately urgent. The new IMO targets set a clear direction – that the shipping sector must cut its emissions deeply and rapidly. The UK aspires to be a global leader in Clean Maritime – if its new CMP refresh can set clear targets for 2030, expand its coverage to include international emissions, put in place strong economic instruments, and support wind and shore power technologies, then the UK’s revamped maritime strategy would truly have wind in its sails.”
Source: University of Manchester

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