ABS: Navigating the Complexities of Shipping Regulations

(ISTANBUL) Maritime stakeholders including charterers, owners, brokers, designers and shipbuilders joined ABS at the annual Black Sea Regional Committee to hear industry-leading analysis of shipping’s dynamic regulatory environment, including the impact of market-based measures and the cost of compliance along with the potential of carbon intensity reduction technologies.

Vassilios Kroustallis, ABS Senior Vice President, Global Business Development and Global Marine, outlined how ABS is built to serve the next-generation maritime industry with guidance on advanced vessel designs, fuels and infrastructure, digitalization and decarbonization strategies.

“As we approach the next phase of the global energy transition, shipping stakeholders must navigate a complex puzzle of cleaner fuels, energy efficiency retrofits and data optimization to improve voyage performance. With our deep expertise in regulatory compliance and advancing technological breakthroughs, we are focused on bringing clarity to the industry regarding  today’s complex challenges. ABS is well-positioned to support clients with safety, quality and technology innovations through this evolving maritime industry,” said Kroustallis.

The ABS sustainability team provided members with updates on the latest capabilities and solutions for clients. For shipping to reach net-zero carbon emissions, vessels will need to employ energy efficiency technologies such as retrofits with lower friction coatings in combination with carbon capture technologies and the adoption of biofuels.

Committee members were also briefed by ABS leadership on the latest regulatory developments impacting the environment and maritime safety, with emphasis on the European Commission’s Fuel EU program and the European Union’s Fit for 55 plan and emissions trading system (EU ETS).

Shipping: Navigating the EU ETS Market Challenge

The Committee meetings are a forum for ABS members, including owners, operators, designers, charterers and the shipbuilding and insurance sectors, to come together with ABS leaders and discuss industry issues and developments. These forums are an important part of an ongoing dialogue with the industry to address technical, operational and regulatory challenges.


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