Bureau Veritas Launches MOVE to Enhance Vessel Compliance and Performance
MOVE by Bureau Veritas: A Smart Hub for Fleet Management and Compliance

Bureau Veritas Marine & Offshore (BV M&O) has introduced a new digital platform, MOVE, aimed at streamlining vessel compliance and performance management for shipowners. Unveiled at the SMM maritime conference in Hamburg, MOVE is designed to simplify operations by providing quick, informed decision-making through an integrated interface that combines various maritime digital applications.
With MOVE, shipowners can oversee their fleet from early design through construction and operation. The platform allows users to manage their assets in real time, offering tools to ensure compliance and boost performance throughout a vessel’s lifecycle. Its customization feature ensures that MOVE can adapt to the unique requirements of each client, while its flexible design means it will continue to evolve as new digital tools are introduced.
MOVE also includes an app drawer, offering access to BV M&O’s classification, statutory, and technical advisory applications, along with partner solutions. Two standout features, “Fleet in Service” and “Connect your Systems,” help shipowners assess compliance, request surveys, and streamline data flow, improving efficiency. Although currently available for shipowners and Flag Authorities, MOVE is set to expand to other industry players, including shipyards and equipment manufacturers, offering them tailored profiles and applications.