Cargo Vessel Suryani Ladjoni Disabled at Sea
On January 18, the cargo vessel Suryani Ladjoni, measuring 91.5 meters and weighing 2380 dwt, became disabled in the Java Sea near Madura Island, Indonesia. The vessel was en route from Banjarmasin to Surabaya when it encountered rough seas, leading to a hull failure and water ingress. The crew reported multiple points of flooding, which caused the ship to list 25 degrees to port. Indonesian authorities quickly responded by dispatching the patrol boat KM Palung Mas to assist.
Rescue Operations and Crew Safety
Upon arrival, the *KM Palung Mas* coordinated rescue efforts for the 18 crew members aboard the *Suryani Ladjoni*. The crew abandoned ship using life rafts and were safely transferred to the patrol boat. They were later taken to the port of Teluk Lamong. Fortunately, there were no reports of injuries among the crew during this emergency situation.
As of now, the final status of the *Suryani Ladjoni* remains unclear. Reports indicate that the vessel was still adrift, but it is unknown whether it eventually ran aground, capsized, or sank. There have been no updates regarding salvage operations from either the authorities or the vessel’s owners. The situation highlights the risks faced by cargo vessels in challenging maritime conditions and the importance of swift rescue operations to ensure crew safety.