
Chinese shipyard opts again for Wärtsilä cargo handling and fuel gas supply systems

Wärtsilä to Supply Advanced Gas Systems for Four New LPG Carrier Ships

Wärtsilä to Supply Gas Systems for New LPG Ships Built in China

Wärtsilä Gas Solutions, part of the Wärtsilä technology group, will provide important systems for four new medium-sized gas carrier (MGC) ships. These ships are being built in Shanghai, China, at the Nantong CIMC Sinopacific Offshore & Engineering (SOE) shipyard. The Greek company, Capital Gas Ship Management, will operate these ships, and Wärtsilä received this order in the third quarter of 2024.

Wärtsilä is known for being the best in the market for supplying cargo handling and fuel gas supply systems for MGCs. These new ships will have a capacity of 40,000 cubic meters and will carry and use liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). The systems Wärtsilä is providing are specially designed to ensure the safe and efficient transport of this type of cargo and fuel.

This is the first time Wärtsilä will supply cargo and fuel systems for ships operated by Capital Gas Ship Management. However, Wärtsilä has a long history of working with the SOE shipyard and has delivered many gas-related products and systems over the years. Barry Yang, the Sales Manager of Wärtsilä Gas Solutions in China, said that this repeat order shows that customers are satisfied with their products and services.

The Wärtsilä systems are expected to be delivered to the shipyard starting in March 2026.

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About Wärtsilä Gas Solutions

Wärtsilä Gas Solutions is a leader in creating innovative systems for the gas industry. Their focus is on handling gas in ships, including storage, fuel, and transfer systems. They also offer solutions for turning gas into power and producing biogas. Wärtsilä works hard to help their customers move toward a cleaner and more sustainable future by using technology and innovation.

About Wärtsilä

Wärtsilä is a global leader in providing advanced technologies and services for the marine and energy industries. They focus on creating sustainable solutions that help their customers improve their environmental impact and save money. With a team of 17,800 people working in 79 countries, Wärtsilä is helping to lead the world toward a cleaner future. In 2023, Wärtsilä had sales of EUR 6 billion. The company is listed on Nasdaq Helsinki.

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