ClassNK Releases Edition 3.0 of “Guidelines for Ships Using Alternative Fuels

Tokyo: ClassNK has released “Guidelines for Ships Using Alternative Fuels (Edition 3.0).” This edition expands on safety requirements for ships utilizing methanol, ethanol, LPG, and ammonia as fuel, and now includes comprehensive guidelines for hydrogen-fueled ships, offering essential design guidance for these alternative-fueled vessels.
The guidelines cover extensive safety requirements, addressing installation, control systems, and safety devices to mitigate risks to ships, crew, and the environment associated with alternative fuels.
Edition 3.0 builds on the existing rules, including Part GF of ClassNK’s “Rules and Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships,” which incorporates the IGF Code. It incorporates insights from the 2023 IMO Subcommittee on Carriage of Cargoes and design reviews by ClassNK, introducing new requirements specific to hydrogen fuel. These include safety measures to prevent explosions due to hydrogen’s high flammability and guidelines to manage potential leaks, safeguarding both seafarers and the environment.
As part of the “ClassNK Transition Support Services,” ClassNK continues to aid the shift to zero-emission shipping by providing these updated safety requirements and design guidelines for alternative-fueled ships.
The guidelines can be downloaded from the “Guidelines” section of My Page on ClassNK’s website after registration. ClassNK Guidelines
*International Code of Safety for Ships Using Gases or Other Low-Flashpoint Fuels
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