ClassNK releases “FAQs on the FuelEU Maritime (3rd Edition)
Updating information on the preparation of FuelEU Monitoring Plan and benefits from the use of biofuels

ClassNK has published the third edition of its “FAQs on the FuelEU Maritime,” offering updated insights into the EU’s new regulation focused on decarbonizing fuels used by ships. The regulation, which targets vessels above 5,000 gross tonnage, will come into effect on January 1, 2025, applying to all ships that call at EU ports.
This latest edition includes revised guidance on preparing the FuelEU Monitoring Plan, a crucial document for compliance, and highlights the advantages of using biofuels on international voyages between EU and non-EU ports. These updates are designed to help shipping stakeholders better navigate the new regulatory landscape.
ClassNK releases “Guidelines for Fuel Cell Power Systems On Board Ships (Second Edition)”
As part of its ongoing commitment to the maritime industry, ClassNK continues to provide comprehensive support through its Transition Support Services, ensuring that stakeholders are well-prepared for the upcoming changes in fuel regulations.