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08 Sep 2023by Craig Jallal
ERMA FIRST, a leading sustainable maritime solutions provider, has received official recognition from DNV for its innovative energy-saving device, BLUE CONNECT
In a letter of professional opinion, DNV confirms ERMA FIRST’s alternative maritime power system BLUE CONNECT complies with the requirements for categorisation as an energy saving device.
This recognition attests to the product’s ability to contribute to the improvement of shipowners’ CII ratings, as outlined by IMO.
ERMA FIRST BLUE CONNECT director Dimitris Tsoulos said, “BLUE CONNECT’s official recognition as an energy-saving device that can help shipowners to improve their CII rating is a significant milestone for the product and for ERMA FIRST as an organisation. This letter of professional opinion from DNV provides evidence of the benefits BLUE CONNECT can deliver as we strive to offer solutions that facilitate regulatory compliance and support the decarbonisation of shipping and the protection of coastal environments.”
By connecting to onshore power supplies and switching off diesel auxiliary engines while berthed, vessels equipped with BLUE CONNECT not only conserve energy but also eliminate greenhouse gas emissions such as carbon dioxide in ports.
This practice significantly reduces the overall carbon intensity per transport work, as explained by Mr Tsoulos.
Moreover, the solution enables ship operators to adhere to port regulations, as authorities worldwide continue to develop and enforce requirements for shore power usage during berthing procedures.
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