
Methanol Institute granted consultative status at IMO

Methanol Institute Granted Consultative Status by IMO, Set to Support Low-Carbon Shipping Efforts

The International Maritime Organisation (IMO) has granted consultative status to the Methanol Institute (MI), enabling it to take part as an observer in important talks. International organisations that can make a major contribution to the IMO’s activities are usually granted this status, and MI’s new role comes at a critical juncture as the shipping industry accelerates its shift to alternative fuels.

With its consultative status, MI will collaborate more closely with IMO member countries to help shape regulatory frameworks for low-carbon shipping fuels. The organization plans to offer its expertise on standards for the safe design, operation, and bunkering of methanol, as well as support the development of market-based measures to promote the adoption of low-carbon and renewable methanol.

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As a maritime fuel, methanol has always been supported by MI, which was a major factor in its inclusion in the 2020 revision of the International Code for Gas Fuelled Ships (IGF Code). In support of the marine industry’s more general decarbonisation objectives, the organisation still advocates for crew training and bunkering regulations, influences regional and international legislation, and works with shipyard vessel designers.

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