NYK Receives Contract to Conduct Study on Marine Transportation of Liquefied CO2

On August 25, NYK was commissioned by a consortium comprising ENEOS Corporation (ENEOS), Electric Power Development Co., Ltd. (J-POWER), and JX Nippon Oil & Gas Exploration Corporation (JX) to conduct a study on the marine transportation of liquefied carbon dioxide (CO2) as a part of a fiscal 2023 feasibility study on advanced CCS Projects in Japan. CCS is a technology for capturing CO2, a cause of global warming, and storing it underground. For the consortium, NYK will study the economics and feasibility of the technology for transporting by ship CO2 emitted in western Japan from ENEOS refineries and J-POWER thermal power plants to a point where the CO2 can be injected underground.

In June 2023, the Japan Organization for Metals and Energy Security (JOGMEC) chose the consortiumโ€™s study as one of its fiscal 2023 Advanced CCS Project candidates. The selection was then made official on August 24. The consortium aims to start implementing a large-scale value chain from CO2 separation and capture to transportation and storage by fiscal 2030 to contribute to Japanโ€™s greenhouse gas emission reduction targets while achieving a stable energy supply.

On the left, Image of a liquefied CO2 carrier to be developed by KNCC, equipped with the LCO2-EP system,** an ambient temperature liquefied CO2 transport technology On the light, Image of the liquefied CO2 carrier (LCO2 carrier) that NYK is jointly developing with Mitsubishi Shipbuilding Co., Ltd.

In 2022, NYK established Knutsen NYK Carbon Carriers AS (KNCC), a joint venture with Norwayโ€™s Knutsen Group, to develop and market new businesses related to the marine transportation and storage of liquefied CO2. Through KNCC, NYK is studying the optimal method of transporting liquefied CO2. NYK will use its knowledge to study the transportation of liquefied CO2 in Japan under the consortium, aiming to participate in the future CCUS value chain* and contribute to realizing a carbon-neutral society.
Source: Nippon Yusen Kaisha

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