Oil Spill Clean-up in Progress at Pasir Panjang Terminal

The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) has been notified of a collision between a Netherlands-flagged dredger, VOX MAXIMA, and a stationary Singapore-flagged bunker vessel, MARINE HONOUR which was alongside a container vessel berthed at the Pasir Panjang Terminal. The incident took place at about 2:20 PM.
Both vessels are currently anchored safely, and are in stable condition, with some damage above the waterline. There is no injury reported.
Some oil from the damaged cargo tank on board MARINE HONOUR spilled into the water. The affected cargo tank has been isolated and the spill contained.
MPA, PSA and the bunker vessel company have activated oil spill response craft to the location. The oil spill clean-up operation is currently in progress.
There is no impact to navigational safety and berthing operations at PSA remain unaffected.