RS takes part in the 44th session of the ADN Safety Committee
Russian Maritime Register of Shipping Joins Key Meeting on Dangerous Goods Transport

Russian Maritime Register of Shipping Takes Part in Key Geneva Meeting
The Russian Maritime Register of Shipping (RS) attended an important meeting on the safety rules for transporting dangerous goods by water. This event, called the 44th session of the Joint Meeting of Experts on the Regulations for the European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Inland Waterways (ADN), took place from August 26 to 30, 2024, at the Palais des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland.
RS’s Role in the Meeting
RS was represented by Sergey Legusha, a Senior Principal Surveyor from their International Affairs Department. The meeting focused on improving safety rules for shipping dangerous goods, like chemicals, to reduce risks and prevent accidents.
What Happened at the Meeting?
During this session, the experts worked together to fix small mistakes in the ADN Regulations that were found earlier. These rules are very important because they make sure that dangerous goods are transported safely. Once these corrections were made, the updated rules were sent to other important organizations. These included groups in charge of the safe transport of dangerous goods by train, road, and inland waterways (COTIF, RID/ADR/ADN).
RS representative takes part in the Regional Dialogue on Sustainable Maritime Connectivity
All the changes and updates to the rules are planned to take effect on January 1, 2025.
Looking Ahead
The next meeting of this expert committee is scheduled to be held from January 27 to 31, 2025. At this meeting, more changes and updates may be discussed to keep transportation as safe as possible.
About RS
The Russian Maritime Register of Shipping (RS) was founded in 1913. It is a famous classification society, meaning it ensures that ships and maritime operations are safe and meet global standards. RS does a variety of important jobs, like reviewing ship designs, inspecting ships that are being built or are in service, and certifying vessels and companies to make sure they follow international rules.
RS Expands its Services
Today, RS is growing its range of services. In addition to its usual work, it now offers engineering and consulting services, helping companies design safe vessels and ensuring the safety of large marine projects. RS also inspects container types, including those used to transport dangerous goods, making sure they meet safety standards.
RS helps make sure the transportation of dangerous goods and bulk cargoes is done safely by providing certifications and declarations that prove everything meets the rules. This ensures that people and the environment stay safe.