Tag: Align
Sea Cargo Charter to align with new emission goals
The Sea Cargo Charter (SCC) will significantly revise its reporting ambition, aligning its trajectory with emission reduction goals in response to the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) revised greenhouse gas (GHG) strategy adopted during MEPC80 in July 2023. In parallel with aligning its trajectory, the SCC is set to expand its current membership scope to include…
Poseidon Principles Align Shipping Finance Repor4ng with Ambi4ous New IMO Climate Goals
The Poseidon Principles are pleased to announce a significant revision to their framework for evalua:ng and repor:ng financial ins:tu:ons’ shipping por From their incep:on, the Poseidon Principles for Financial Ins:tu:ons were designed to be a living framework, evolving con:nually to meet the dynamic challenges of climate change. Through regular reviews, they ensure their con:nued relevance…
Poseidon Principles Align Shipping Finance Reporting with Ambitious New IMO Climate Goals
The Poseidon Principles are pleased to announce a significant revision to their framework for evaluating and reporting financial institusions’ shipping porolios’ alignment with climate-related objectives. Following the IMO’s GHG revised strategy adopted during MEPC80 in July 2023, this update signifies the dedication of 30 leading shipping banks to support the maritime sector’s transi:on towards a…