ClassNK and Lovoy signed MOU to jointly explore enhanced safety at sea

Left: Capt. Terje Lovoy, Senior Partner, Lovoy Right: Capt. Naoki Saito, General Manager of Maritime Training and Education Department, ClassNK
Tokyo / Vancouver Island ClassNK and Lovoy have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to cooperate with development and implementation of more user-friendly Safety Management Systems (SMS).
Lovoy has highlighted that many SMSs have grown so complex that they lose sight of the end user – the seafarer. If procedures are user-friendly, people will use them more with reduced risk of mistakes. The industry faces many new requirements making user-friendly SMS design even more critical. Introducing elements such as LNG fuel will most likely make SMSs even more complicated.
ClassNK has engaged in SMS audits for 6,000 vessels and 800 companies to ensure that each system complies with regulations. The society has also worked to provide valuable insights and tools for enhancing safety practices.
Both parties have agreed that overly complex SMSs are not only a problem but also an opportunity for improvement. With the signing of this MOU, the two parties will join forces to support and improve safety at sea.
Capt. Naoki Saito, General Manager of Maritime Training and Education Department, ClassNK
“To support the shipping stakeholders’ ongoing and steadfast pursuit of safety, ClassNK is committed to examining every possible approach to ensure elevate safety standards. I am pleased to join hands with Lovoy in exploring potential and measures that will contribute to this endeavor.”
Capt. Terje Lovoy, Senior Partner, Lovoy
“Quality is not a quick fix – it’s about making lasting change. ClassNK is a world leader in quality management. Together, ClassNK and Lovoy will make lasting change by training companies to permanently stop their own people from putting unnecessary complexity into their SMSs.
About ClassNK
ClassNK is dedicated to ensuring the safety of life and property at sea, and the prevention of pollution of the marine environment. ClassNK is engaged in a growing range of ship related activities and services aimed at contributing to promote the protection of human life and property at sea as well as protection of the marine environment.
For more information, visit
About the Lovoy Method
The Lovoy Method allows shipping companies to simplify their SMS without loosing facts. With the Lovoy Method a SMS can cover legal requirements and be user-friendly at the same time. The Method includes a controlled English language allowing companies to use their own internal non-native English SMS writers. For more information, visit
About Lovoy
Lovoy Training INC is a research and development company. During the last 15 years the Lovoy Team analyzed 63 SMSs and worked closely with many small and large companies who successfully simplified and improved their SMSs.